On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 19:30:23 +0200,
Thomas Hallgren <thhal@mailblocks.com> wrote:
> That makes it even easier for the big companies to put the OSS projects
> out of business if that is what they want. As OSS has more and more
> impact on their revenue, rest assured that there will be lawsuits.
> Sooner rather than later. The fact that software patents are recognized
> in a limited part of the world at present is protecting us to some
> extent. Less so if it gets approved in the EU.
I think it has more to do with legislation is pending to legitimize
software patents in some key areas of the world and vested interests
don't want to produce a lot of examples of why those laws shouldn't
be passed before they are acted on.
I expect as soon as things are resolved in the European Union, you will
see attacks against open source projects by major companies that are
threatened by open source.