[PATCH] Connect to database using UNIX domain sockets - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Dominique Quatravaux
Subject [PATCH] Connect to database using UNIX domain sockets
Msg-id 20050413160136.GA20529@idealx.com
Whole thread Raw
List pgadmin-support
Dear pgadmin hackers,

Enclosed is a small, nonintrusive patch that allows one to connect to
a database using the UNIX domain socket under Linux and BSD (a must
for secure, password-less operation). One simply leaves the "hostname"
field blank when filling in the database connection form.

Since this patch leverages the clever fallback mechanism already built
into libpq, I see no reason why it would break anything under Windows.

Thanks for your work on pgadmin. Regards, Dom


--- pgadmin3-1.0.2/src/db/pgConn.cpp.ORIG    2005-04-13 12:49:43.000000000 +0200
+++ pgadmin3-1.0.2/src/db/pgConn.cpp    2005-04-13 14:38:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -44,6 +48,8 @@    wxLogInfo(wxT("Creating pgConn object"));    wxString msg, hostip;
+    hostip.Empty();
+    conv = &wxConvLibc;    needColQuoting = false;
@@ -54,6 +60,7 @@    majorVersion=0;    noticeArg=0;    
+    if (! server.IsEmpty()) {#ifdef __WXMSW__    struct in_addr ipaddr;#else
@@ -78,13 +85,14 @@    }    else        hostip = server;
+    }    resolvedIP = TRUE;    wxLogInfo(wxT("Server name: %s (resolved to: %s)"), server.c_str(), hostip.c_str());
//Create the connection string    wxString connstr;
-    if (!server.IsEmpty()) {
+    if (!hostip.IsEmpty()) {      connstr.Append(wxT(" hostaddr="));      connstr.Append(hostip);    }

Dominique QUATRAVAUX                           Ingénieur senior
01 44 42 00 08                                 IDEALX

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