am 13.04.2005, um 9:30:09 -0600 mailte Walker, Jed S folgendes:
> I have several tables that require auto-generated Ids. I have noticed the
> serial and bigserial data types (or pseudo-types). These seem like they make
> things much simpler, but if you use this, how can you find out the the value
> of the serial column after you insert a row? Do you have to lookup the
Please read the manual about currval().
> primary key or is it stored in a session variable or some other place? Is
In a squence, a extra database object.
> it better to define the sequence manually and just select it out by hand
> before doing the insert?
No. Why?
test_db=# create table seq_test (id serial, name varchar);
HINWEIS: CREATE TABLE erstellt implizit eine Sequenz >>seq_test_id_seq<< f?r die >>serial<<-Spalte >><<
test_db=# insert into seq_test (name) values ('Andreas');
INSERT 373930 1
test_db=# insert into seq_test (name) values ('Anja');
INSERT 373931 1
test_db=# select * from seq_test;
id | name
1 | Andreas
2 | Anja
(2 Zeilen)
Andreas Kretschmer (Kontakt: siehe Header)
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