On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 02:28:08PM -0700, subhash@nmsu.edu wrote:
> I have a requirement where I have a table and a view on top of it. I want to
> make some changes so that a user in a given group would be able to insert/update
> only on the view (ofcourse i have a rule which inserts/updates the table) but
> not on the underlying table. I tried revoke the insert/update permissions on the
> table, but it fails even the inserts/updates on the view. How can i set these
> permissions ?
Did you grant insert and update permission on the view? Does the
underlying table have a sequence? If so, did you grant update
permission on it?
If you still have trouble, then please post a small, self-contained
example that demonstrates the problem, including the exact text of
any error messages.
Michael Fuhr