Is it possible to have the equivalent of a serial data type in a table,
Assume the following:
create table categories (id serial, title varchar);
Now, I want to create an entries table, and by default, count serially by
category, so that category 1 has entries.sequence of 1, 2, 3, and so does
category 2. (where sequence= 1, 2, 3...) Something like:
create table entries (
categories_id integer not null references categories(id),
sequence default max(entries.sequence WHERE categories_id=this.categories_id),
primary key (categories_id, sequence)
I'm not sure about the semantics of this, but i want sequence to start at 1,
and count up, for its category as defined by categories_id. I already know
that I can set enforce the uniqueness of categories_id and sequence with thte
primary key, and I could just write some more app code to do a query to get
the max value of sequence where categories_id=$categories_id, but can this be
done without adding a bunch of xtra application code?
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