On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 02:37:00PM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote:
> I worked around the plpython problem that doesn't allow scripts created on
> Windows to be run on the *nix server with the following statement.
> update pg_proc set prosrc=replace(prosrc,chr(13),'') where prolang=87238
> --plpythonu's oid in my setup is 87238. I don't know if that is a standard
> or just on mine.
The oid is arbitrary, so you should get it via a (sub)query instead
of hardcoding it.
> Is there a way to automate that script every time a plpythonu function is
> created?
> I tried writing a trigger on the pg_proc table but it wouldn't let me:
Hmmm...plpythonu doesn't install a VALIDATOR function. I wonder
if you could exploit that? This is just a brainstorm, but the
following worked for me in trivial tests:
CREATE FUNCTION fixpython(funcoid oid) RETURNS void AS $$
UPDATE pg_proc SET prosrc = replace(prosrc, chr(13), '')
WHERE oid = funcoid;
UPDATE pg_language SET lanvalidator = 'fixpython'::regproc
WHERE lanname = 'plpythonu';
Are there any problems with doing this? Is a VALIDATOR function
permitted to modify the function it's validating? This wouldn't
work if plpythonu ever installs a VALIDATOR, but you might be able
to use it until such time (barring objections about why it's a Bad
Idea, that is).
Michael Fuhr