Re: 8.0 drivers released. - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Andreas Joseph Krogh
Subject Re: 8.0 drivers released.
Whole thread Raw
In response to 8.0 drivers released.  (Kris Jurka <>)
Responses Re: 8.0 drivers released.
List pgsql-jdbc
On Monday 17 January 2005 13:48, Kris Jurka wrote:
> With the 8.0 server release coming later this week, I've put up a new set
> of JDBC drivers.  I haven't had time to write up a full set of release
> notes, so this email will have to suffice for now...
> Naturally there are a huge number of minor improvements and fixes,
> but these are the big things in 8.0:
> - True V3 protocol support.
> - Savepoints.
> - No more "idle in transaction" problems.
> - Binary data doesn't use fifty times the necessary memory.
> - SSL connection customization
> - driver configuration via properties file
> - 5.0 JDK compiles
> Major compatibility issues that come to mind immediately.
> The driver now always uses some form of server prepared statement.  This
> means that all data is now strongly typed instead of mashed together into
> a query string for the server to figure out.  If you have an application
> that uses setString(x, myString) for every type, you are not going to be
> happy.  The driver needs to know what the real column type is in the
> database and it infers this from the setXXX call you make.  This presents
> some tricky problems when dealing with postgresql datatypes that do not
> match up exactly with Java datatypes that are only solved by using a
> custom PGobject subclass to pass both the data and the correct type to the
> driver.  This also extends to null values, no longer is setObject(x, null)
> valid because it does not contain type information for the driver to use.
> Previously Statement.executeQuery("INSERT ... ; SELECT currval('myseq')");
> would return a ResultSet.  This is no longer true and I don't believe it
> was ever strictly legal.  This should be correctly written in separate
> queries or:
> Statement.execute("INSERT ...; SELECT currval('myseq')");
> Statement.getMoreResults();
> ResultSet rs = Statement.getResultSet();
> Calling PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream now requires a correct length
> argument.  Previously Integer.MAX_VALUE or similar could be used and it
> would read the stream to completion, but with the ability to stream data
> directly to the server and not use up outrageous amounts of memory means
> that we need to know the correct length from the outset.
> Kris Jurka

I tried using postgresql-8.0.309.jdbc2.jar (and jdbc3) and got the following
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.postgresql.Driver.getDefaultProperties(
        at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(

Any explaination?

Andreas Joseph Krogh <>
Senior Software Developer / Manager
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pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: Oliver Siegmar
Subject: Re: Problems with infinity
From: Oliver Jowett
Subject: Re: 8.0 drivers released.