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Submitted by: stefan@net-tex.de
Headline: PostgreSQL at 21C3
There will be a PostgreSQL booth at the 21. Chaos Communication Congress.
I organized a PostgreSQL booth at 21. Chaos Communication Congress.
The Congress[1] will be held from 27.-29.12.04 in
Berlin/Germany and is the largest european hacker-event.
I\'ll be there in the \"Hackcenter\" and do some advocacy for PostgreSQL, additionally Peter Eisentraut will be there
workingon release
engineering. There is a wiki dealing with organization at [2]
For further contact, one can use my emailaddress or the Wiki.
[1] http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/index.en.html
[2] https://21c3.ccc.de/wiki/index.php/PostgreSQL