Hi All,
In our database we have a table as described below. When we attempt to write
to the table from our visual basic program we receive an error. "ERROR:
tbl_receiving_receipt_number_seq.nextval: You don't have permissions to set
sequence tbl_receiving_receipt_number_seq" Can someone please explain how to
correct this error? TIA
-- Table: purchase_order.tbl_receiving
-- DROP TABLE purchase_order.tbl_receiving;
CREATE TABLE purchase_order.tbl_receiving
po_number int4 NOT NULL,
po_line int2 NOT NULL,
receipt_number serial NOT NULL,
quantity float4 NOT NULL,
receipt_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6)
with time zone,
CONSTRAINT tbl_receiving_pkey PRIMARY KEY (po_number, po_line, receipt_number),
CONSTRAINT tbl_receiving_fkey1 FOREIGN KEY (po_number, po_line) REFERENCES
purchase_order.tbl_line_item (po_number, po_line) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE
GRANT ALL ON TABLE purchase_order.tbl_receiving TO public;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE purchase_order.tbl_receiving TO postgres;
GRANT UPDATE, INSERT ON TABLE purchase_order.tbl_receiving TO GROUP loaders;
COMMENT ON TABLE purchase_order.tbl_receiving IS 'Purchase order item
receiving data.';
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