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Database Admin: http://scripts.postgresql.org/admin/edit_event.php?238
Submitted by: paolo.armani@gmail.com
Event: First stable version of phpPgWeb, a postgresql web interface
This PHP lgpl library is intended to make quickly a user fiendly web interface to a postgresql database.
This PHP lgpl library is intended to make quickly a user fiendly web interface to a postgresql database. It is thinked
tobe configurable, manage automaticly references betwhin tables, has multilanguage support, and could be extended quite
easly.It is not intended as admin tool (see phpPgAdmin), but as an intuitive web mask to a database. It supports also
fileupload that could be stored in your file system or directly in the database as a postgres large object. Creates
automaticlythumbnail if a image is uploaded and read exif information (metadata headers of image generated by digital
Fore more details, demo or download see