On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 01:38:06PM +0000, azariah jason wrote:
> In My postgreSQl 7.4 i am not able to run
> "initlocation" Command. It gives Command not found
> error.
Either initlocation isn't installed or it's not in your PATH. You
should be able to determine whether it's installed by using a command
like "find" or "locate". If initlocation is installed, then make
sure your PATH contains an entry for the correct directory, or else
use initlocation's full path when you run it. If initlocation isn't
installed, then perhaps you're using a packaged version of PostgreSQL
and you need to install an additional package.
It's also possible that initlocation is installed as initlocation.sh.
What platform are you using and how was PostgreSQL installed?
Michael Fuhr