I've sent an e-mail to Guiseppe Tanzilli about this, but maybe someone
here has seen this. I'm pretty sure it's not PostGreSQL, but it is
We are updating to mod_auth_pgsql2 v2.0.latest and apache 2.0.latest, in
the process of updating to PostGreSQL 7.4.latest.
We get the following error:
> Auth_PG_grp_group_field takes one argument, the name of the group-name field.
on the directive
Auth_PG_grp_group_field rid
These are the directives we are using:
Auth_PG_port 5432
Auth_PG_database apache_auth
Auth_PG_user postgres
Auth_PG_pwd postgres
Auth_PG_pwd_table user_bbs
Auth_PG_uid_field uid
Auth_PG_pwd_field pw
Auth_PG_grp_table user_bbs
# Auth_PG_gid_field rid # name change from 2.0.0
Auth_PG_grp_group_field rid # Auth_PG_gid_field -> Auth_PG_grp_group_field
Auth_PG_grp_user_field uid # works from 2.0.0
# Auth_PG_grp_whereclause " and rid = 'bbs@tekitou' "
Auth_PG_encrypted on
Auth_PG_hash_type MD5
AuthName "Please Enter Your Password"
AuthType Basic
<Limit POST GET>
require valid-user
require group bbs@tekitou
(And, yes, I'll also try an apache mailing list.)
Apologies in advance if the noise is not appreciated.
Joel <rees@ddcom.co.jp>