I am a newbie to PostgreSQL. I am using postgreSQL 7.4.5 in HP-Unix 11.11 PA , and 11.23 PA.
I have a problem with postgreSQL Webmin (Webmin Version 1.070) testing in update function.
This problem exists only when i create a new data base through webmin interface,
and insert some values,and modify those values afterwards.
For E.g :
I created database called "test" and created table name called "one" for that DB,
which contains filed name "Name" with varchar(10) as a type and allows Null values.
I inserted values for two rows as first and second, it can be viewed perfectly.
But when i select second row (Which contains string "second" as value) to edit,
and change it value as "second1" instead of "second", it throws me following error when i saved it :
"SQL update "one" set Name = 'Second1' where oid = 25349 failed : column "name" of relation "one" does not exist".
But when i created the database without using this Webmin interface
($ echo "create table one(Name varchar(10))"|psql test ),
and then edit with webmin interface means it works well and get updated.
Is there any problem with postgreSQL or with Webmin interface ?
Any idea to solve this issue ?
Thanks in Advance,