Hi All,
I have two tables.
MYDB=# \d myschema.tbl_part
Table "myschema.tbl_part"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | character varying(20) | not null
description | character varying(30) | not null
class | smallint | not null
inactive | boolean | not null
sales_description | character varying(160) |
purchase_description | character varying(160) |
last_unit_cost | real | not null
costing_method | smallint | not null
sales_gl_account | character varying(15) |
inventory_gl_account | character varying(15) |
cogs_gl_account | character varying(15) |
type | character varying(8) |
unit_of_measure | character varying(6) |
weight | real |
reorder_point | real |
reorder_quantity | real |
Indexes: tbl_part_pkey primary key btree (id)
MYDB=# \d myschema.tbl_gl_account
Table "myschema.tbl_gl_account"
Column | Type | Modifiers
number | character varying(15) | not null
description | character varying(30) |
type | smallint | not null
inactive | boolean | not null
Indexes: tbl_gl_account_pkey primary key btree (number)
Is it possible to create a foreign key such that only null and values from
myschema.tbl_gl_account.number are allowed in myschema.tbl_part.sales_gl_account?
Kind Regards,
99main Internet Services http://www.99main.com