AIX pg version 7.4
Select * from document2 core dump. Did a few more experiments with select * from document2 limit...
I limit to 500000 it works, 600000 it exits but says "calloc: There is not enough memory available now."
I did a 573600 and it worked, then I did a 573700 and it core dumped. I went back in and did the search again with 573700 and it then worked.
core file size (blocks) 1048575
data seg size (kbytes) unlimited
file size (blocks) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes) 32768
open files 2000
pipe size (512 bytes) 64
stack size (kbytes) 2097151
cpu time (seconds) unlimited
max user processes 1000
virtual memory (kbytes) unlimited
Any thoughts on this? And how to generate the trace?