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Submitted by: marcelo@feapa.com.br
Event: Integration of PostgreSQL, PHP and PHP-GTK
FEAPA - Faculdade de Estudos Avançados do Pará offers training courses for integration of PostgreSQL, PHP, MIOLO and
PHP-GTKfor developers and administrators in Belém, Pará, Amazonia, Brazil.
FEAPA and SOLIS(Rio Grande do Sul) offers a innovative course in the region covering integration of PostgreSQL, PHP and
PHP-GTKwith the development of one project ind the framework MIOLO(www.miolo.org.br).
This training provides an in-depth knowledge about PostgreSQL instalation and configurations, PHP integration with
PostgreSQLand PHP-GTK integration with PostgreSQL.
FEAPA - Faculadade de Estudos Avançados do Pará(Belém, Pará, Brazil) has utilized in his systems of management
PostgreSQl,PHP and PHP-GTK and as turned out, is training local programmers for it utilize these excellent softwares
(Databaseand Languages of Programming).