Ron St-Pierre wrote:
> You don't need to putty into the box to use pgAdmin, you just tell
> pgAdmin the ip address, user (postgres),
> and password (unless it's trusted). This works as long as you've allowed
> access from your remote ip address
> eg in /data/pg_hba.conf you might have something like this
> host all all trust
> this line trusts all users connecting from, so for example
> pgAdmin could gain db access.
> > No Cygwin necessary for this situation?
> >
> No cygwin needed.
However, in that case the DB connection will _not_ be
through ssh, so it will be unencrypted and insecure.
From Mike's initial mail I got the impression that he
wanted the connection to the PostgreSQL server to go
through ssh (which is basically a good thing, because
you get ssh's authentication and encryption features).
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.
> Can the denizens of this group enlighten me about what the
> advantages of Python are, versus Perl ?
"python" is more likely to pass unharmed through your spelling
checker than "perl".
-- An unknown poster and Fredrik Lundh