On Sunday 22 August 2004 2:47 am, Keith wrote:
> Dear All,
> Someone can help me to solve the below problems
> 1. I create a table for a period of time, there is huge records
> already posted. I would like to alter table and add serial primary
> key on that table. It's impossible to add serial no by hand.
> Please adv how can I add the serial number automatically.
> 2. Is there any library to translate digit number to English, I
> mean translate '1234' to 'one thousand two hundred thirty four'..
> Pls help.
> regards
Going from memory (and note, this will only give you unique numbers -
they won't be in any specific order)...
create sequence foo_sequence;
alter table foo add column (serialnumber bigint);
alter table foo alter column serialnumber set default
update foo set serialnumber = nextval('foo_sequence') where
serialnumber is null;
alter table foo alter column serialnumber set not null;