Aha! I found e-mail for the company. Sent to their VP of IT.
A copy of the message is below my .sig. HOWEVER, please do be aware that
there is likely a great deal more to the story than the article presents;
Skypak may be thinking of switching away from PostgreSQL for reasons that
have nothing to do with actual performance. For example, they may be using
it on Cygwin; you'll notice that the article doesn't mention a platform.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco
Mr. Warnekar,
We in the postgresql community were distrubed to read of your company's rather
public repudation of PostgreSQL. Much more so because nobody in our active
online community of developers -- including a number of Indians -- was aware
that you were using PostgreSQL, let alone that you had problems with it.
Was your staff aware that a great deal of expert, peer-to-peer help for
PostgreSQL is available online? Were your problems raised on the
PGSQL-PERFORMANCE e-mailing list or elsewhere?
I spend quite a bit of time tuning PostgreSQL professionally for clients in
the United States; it is how I support my participation in the Project. I
find it somewhat hard to believe that PostgreSQL would not perform well under
the loads you descibe in the article.
Please consider sharing your issues with the community; I'm sure it would be
cheaper to solve your performance problems with PostgreSQL than to port to
another system. I look forward to hearing from you.
Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Core Team
San Francisco