On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 09:44:42AM +0200, Raphael Bauduin wrote:
> Does a function executed by a trigger know which table fired the trigger?
> I'm using the same function for several triggers on different tables.
> Now, I'm passing the table name as argument:
> CREATE TRIGGER "customers_update_log_t" after UPDATE on "customers" for
> each row execute procedure "customers_update_log"('customers');
> I wondered if in the function code, we have access to the table name that
> fired the trigger.
You don't say what language you're using, but in PL/pgSQL you can
refer to the table name as TG_RELNAME.
> Also, does the function have access to the type of action that fired the
> trigger?
> Eg, if I create a trigger after update and insert, is it possible to know
> if it's an insert or an update that fired the trigger?
That would be TG_OP. See the PL/pgSQL "Trigger Procedures" manual page
for more info:
If you're using a language other than PL/pgSQL then see that
language's trigger documentation.
Michael Fuhr