On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 01:56:02AM +0400, Alexander M. Pravking wrote:
> But the following works:
> fduch@~=# SET search_path TO test_schema;
> fduch@~=# INSERT INTO test_table DEFAULT VALUES ;
> INSERT 0 1
> fduch@~=# SET search_path TO public;
> fduch@~=# INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table DEFAULT VALUES ;
> INSERT 0 1
> AFAIK plPgSQL function, have been compiled once, caches query plans so
> it directly refers tables (by oids or something else).
> Is that the reason for the last insert to work?
Ha! That works only if the second insert is done with the same backend
as the first. So I suspect it's just a backend cache...
Fduch M. Pravking