I reckon you are the one in the know so I'll take advantage of
that and ascertain myself of your advice.
I am the primary designer for the database schema of GnuMed
( - a practice management application intended
to store medical data. Obviously we wouldn't want ambigous
I have until now used surrogate primary keys on all table like
create table diagnosis ( pk serial primary key, fk_patient integernot nullreferences patient(pk)on update cascadeon
deletecascade, narrative textnot null, unique(fk_patient, narrative)
Note that fk_patient would not do for a primary key since you
can have several diagnoses for a patient. However, the
combination of fk_patient and narrative would, as is implied
by the unique() constraint. For fear of having the real
primary key change due to business logic changes I have
resorted to the surrogate key.
Short question: Is this OK re your concerns for using
surrogates, eg. using a surrogate but making sure that at any
one time there *would* be a real primary key candidate ?
This would amount to:
> Streets
> ID Street Name Location
> 345 Green Street West Side of City
> 2019 Green Street In Front of Consulate
> 5781 Green Street Shortest in Town
Key: ID
UNIQUE: Key, Location
Is that OK ?
GPG key ID E4071346 @
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD 4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346