Updated versions of these two implementations of the Tcl interface to
PostgreSQL were released recently:
pgin.tcl, the "pure-TCL" implementation, at: http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgintcl/ Currently available
fordownload: + pgintcl-2.1.0.tgz
pgtcl-ng, the libpq-based "next generation" implementation, at: http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgtclng/
Currentlyavailable for download: + pgtcl1.5.1.tar.gz (Source distribution) + pgtcl1.5.1-win32.zip
(Binary distribution for Windows) + pgtcldocs-20040609.zip (A Pgtcl Reference Manual) You can look at
themanual online, until it finds a better home, at: http://lbayuk.home.mindspring.com/pgtcldocs/
Pgtclng is the "next generation" libpq-based Tcl interface to PostgreSQL.
It adds many new commands and features which take advantage of new
capabilities in the PostgreSQL-7.4 protocol and libpq client library.
Pgin.tcl is a Tcl interface to PostgreSQL which is written entirely in Tcl.
It is mostly but not entirely command-compatible with pgtclng. Both of
these implementations are only for use with PostgreSQL 7.4 and up.
New features in these releases include: * Get command status tag with: pg_result -cmdStatus (suggested by levanj) *
Parse,bind, and execute SQL statement with: pg_exec_params, complements pg_exec_prepared; both are binary safe. *
Extendedpg_exec to support optional parameters (idea from karl's implementation in Gborg pgtcl CVS); this is a
text-format-onlyversion of pg_exec_params. * Bug fix (pgin.tcl) and improvement (pgtclng) to pg_execute error