Brijesh Shrivastav wrote:
> Thanks for the comments. They were very helpful.
> However, I am still not sure about the second problem
> i.e. of describing the prepared statement. Does some
> other api exposes it? Can I use some sql command to get
> around it (I couldn't find any)? any other ideas?
Since libpq doesn't expose it, no API based on libpq will let you at it.
There are a few non-libpq interfaces, but I doubt any have this advanced
feature. My pgin.tcl doesn't.
If your prepared query has a parameter which you can use to efficiently
select 0 (or a small number of rows), you might be able to use that as a
'dummy' query just to get column information. This is similar to the trick
of using "SELECT ... LIMIT 0" to get an empty result set just so you can
look at the column info.