CREATE TABLE t1( id serial PRIMARY KEY, active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', num int4 NOT NULL, ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t1_uniqueidx ON t1(num) WHERE active;
CREATE TABLE t2( id serial PRIMARY KEY, active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', num int4 NOT NULL, ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t2_uniqueidx ON t2(num) WHERE active;
CREATE TABLE relations( id serial PRIMARY KEY, id_t1 int4 NOT NULL REFERENCES t1(num), id_t2 int4 NOT NULL REFERENCES t2(num) );
On tables T1 and T2 the "num" columns have unique values for all lines that have active='y'(true). How can I write a constraint on Table T1 and Table T2 that if the "num" from T1 and "num" from T2 are referenced from table "relation" than I cannot update the "active" field to "false". My target is that I don't want to have any reference from "relation" table to T1 and T2 where in the T1 and T2 the active field is "n"(false)
or with other words:
if a line from T1/T2 is referenced from table "relations" than I don't want to be able to put active='y'.