On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 03:17:02PM +0000, Sally Sally wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good way of implementing postgres real-time
> mirroring? Whether it's a program that's already out there or whether it is
> something that can be done by the DBA? I know there is one in contrib
> called dbmirror but does it actually work well (it seems to also require
> pgperl)
Plenty of people are using it. It's not _exactly_ real time, though.
What do you mean by "real-time mirroring"?
If you are not yet in production and are looking for something
that'll be ready in the next six months, you might want to check out
the Slony-I project on gborg.postgresql.org. But even that is not
"real time", in that there is a gap between when a tuple is COMMITTED
on the primary node and when it appears on other nodes.
Andrew Sullivan | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
The plural of anecdote is not data.
--Roger Brinner