On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 12:41:28AM +0400, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
> The problem with moving all contribs to gborg is that sometimes it's
> required to change many modules, for example, because of changing
> GiST interface. Tom saves a lot of working for contrib authors, when he
> change code in core. I'm not sure, gborg would provide easy access for
> such kind of things. tsearch2, particularly, is maintained in pgsql CVS.
Agree. The basic argue for removing something from contrib should bethat nobody maintain a module or that maintain
it in the contrib isdifficult.
Other problem -- now maintainers of distribution PostgreSQL packages(Debian/RH/...) make packages from the contrib
tree.Are you sure theywill search something on sourceforge/gborg and make separate packegesfor each small script? How
theywill detect what is good for packaging?The contrib tree is basic selection of interesting small thigs
-- Karel Zak <zakkr@zf.jcu.cz>http://home.zf.jcu.cz/~zakkr/