On Wednesday 14 April 2004 10:35, Juris Krumins wrote:
> 2004-04-14 12:24:54 [74021] LOG: query: SELECT d.config_id, d.text1 as
> text, d.field_name,
> 2004-04-14 12:24:54 [74021] LOG: duration: 0.005295 sec
> 2004-04-14 12:24:54 [74021] LOG: query: CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_table1 AS
> SELECT advert.id, (SELECT employer.fullname FROM employer WHERE
> advert.empid=employer.id) as emp_name, (CASE WHEN advert.status1 = 'A'
> THEN advert.postname1 ELSE advert.postname2 END) as postname, (SELECT
> cd.name FROM catalog_names cd WHERE advert.industry=cd.catalog_id AND
> cd.language_id=1) AS f1002, (CASE WHEN status1='A' THEN
> advert.obligations1 ELSE advert.obligations2 END) as obligations1 FROM
> good_adv as advert
> 2004-04-14 12:24:54 [74021] ERROR: cache lookup of relation 165058647
> failed
The error is complaining about a relation that used to have an OID of
165058647. This is almost certainly a temporary table. Are there any plpgsql
functions referring to a temporary table, or do you create, drop, recreate
tmp_table1 within the same connection?
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd