Alexander Cohen <> wrote:
> > Why not
> > just get rid of the space and save yourself the current, and possibly
> > future, grief?
> because this is an app for users and they might have spaces in their
> path.
*Users* are starting up postmaster? *shrug* ISTM you're left with the
following choices:
1. Work at it until you've figured-out just the right
combination of shell escapes to get the path though pg_ctl's
"cooking." The prior caveat applies: If pg_ctl is modified
relative to that switch's argument handling, it'll break again.
2. Modify pg_ctl so the argument, in all its processing, is
preserved with embedded spaces. Of course, the next release of
pgsql would require re-doing it if pg_ctl is changed.
3. Talk pgsql's developers into fixing the "problem."
(If you fix it, as in #2, you could submit a patch.)
4. Tell your users not to do that. Spaces in pathnames are
pure evil anyway. A problem generally only found with end-users
using (only) point-n-drool tools.
Personally, looking at pg_ctl's code, I think #1 is exceedingly
unlikely to succeed. #2 (and, by extension, #3) looks kind of
iffy, too.
Good luck.
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