I'm having some issues dumping a database from 7.2, reloading it to 7.4.
I'm using the 7.4 pg_dump. The problem I'm having is an issue of internal
object dependancies. For instance I have a_function that uses b_function. The
a_function gets dumped in first, and errors out because b_function hsan't been
created yet. I've found an ugly workaround: dump the schema first, and run the
sql through multiple times until all the various objects are created. Then
insert the data after.
Here are the dump comands that I used:
pg_dump --create --compress 9 --file=/vol1/work/db_schema_dump-040130.gz
--username=postgres --host=localhost --port=5432 -s mydata &
pg_dump --create --compress 9 --file=/vol1/work/db_data_dump-040130.gz
--username=postgres --host=localhost --port=5432 -a mydata &
There must be a better way! Thoughts?
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