On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 22:33:00 -0800,
Ezra Epstein <sf-lists@prajnait.com> wrote:
> Thank you Bruno for the informative reply.
> I'm not sure how ident solves this. I would like the session to run as the
> actual user (via set session authorization) so that that user's actual privs
> are enforced. But I want the connection to be shared: so it cannot be per
> login (username/pw combo). I'm not up on ident enough to see the fit. Any
> pointers would be most welcome.
I was wrong about this being useful in your situation. SET SESSION
AUTHORIZATION doesn't reauthenticate, it only allows you to switch
to a new user if you originally were connected as a superuser.
Ident authentication would only be useful if you could close and then
reopen the connection. This could be useful if the overhead of doing
this wasn't a concern.