I am attempting to use Setof Record dynamically. I am developing an application where I will not know what the end-user is trying to work with from a web front end. Thus I will not know before hand the structure of the table I am trying to pull the record from.
My Code:
CREATE FUNCTION retrievecollection(varchar, varchar, varchar) RETURNS record AS' Declare tablealias ALIAS FOR $1; crmid ALIAS FOR $2; username ALIAs FOR $3; allowed integer; objectdefinition record; realtablename char;
begin select into allowed secverf(username, tablealias); if allowed = 0 then RAISE NOTICE ''User not authorized to perform retrieve.'', allowed; RETURN false; else select into realtablename tablename from applicationaliases where tablealias = qoute_literal(tablealias); if length(crmid) = 0 then FOR objectdefinition IN SELECT * from qoute_ident(realtablename) LOOP RETURN NEXT objectdefinition; END LOOP; else FOR objectdefinition IN SELECT * from qoute_ident(realtablename) where crmid = qoute_literal(crmid) LOOP RETURN NEXT objectdefinition; END LOOP; end if; end if; RETURN record; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;
I know that I would execute the procedure with select * from retrievecollection as x(x typex, y typey) but how do I do this if I don't know which table was passed to the function?