When grilled further on (Tue, 16 Dec 2003 22:30:04 -0600),
Patrick Spinler <spinler@kmtel.com> confessed:
> According to the theory they expound, a database with any significant
> write activity whatsoever should never be on raid 5, but instead be on
> raid 0+1.
Kind of related and a point of reference. We use ClearCase and have many
multiple Gb vob's(databases). We were using RAID-5, but had to back off to RAID
0+1 because of performance reasons (which was indicated in the manual, once you
read it...). This would happen around 1-2Gb's vob size. Our usage of CC
provides heavy writing activity to the underlying dB.
I don't know what kind of dB engine Atria->Rational->IBM has implemented
underneath, or even it it would look like a dB to someone who knew the
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