El Dom 07 Dic 2003 17:10, Doug McNaught escribió:
> Martin Marques <martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar> writes:
> > Is the postgres super-user the only one that can create functions
> > with LANGUAGE C?
> Yes, because a C function can basically do anything it wants to with
> the privileges of the 'postgres' user.
> So you have to create the function as superuser, but you only have to
> do that once for each database...
It's how I thought it was, but need confirmation. ;-)
select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar' AS email;
Martín Marqués | mmarques@unl.edu.ar
Programador, Administrador, DBA | Centro de Telemática
Universidad Nacional
del Litoral