--- Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net> wrote:
> If you you pg_dump and dump schema and data together, then there is some
> magic to temporarily disable foreign key constraints. Try it out.
> Perhaps you can adopt the statements to your particular restoration method
> as well, if it turns out necessary.
No longer have the db to extract data and schema together (have only data
extracts), but I'll try later.
However, if FK constraints are temporarily disabled in pg_restore, why is it
necessary to arrage the statimements in the order that satisfies FK
constraints? One could be doing this for days ...
Wouldn't be simpler for pg_restore to do the following:
1) create table structures only (no indexes or constraints)
2) create indexes
3) create constraints
This way, there's no need to rearrange the order of imports.
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