> If you want only the logging ability, you may try to handle authentication
> inside the database. I mean:
> - - connect to PG database as one user (apache)
> - - make every PHP script create a temporary table with username
> just after establishing the connection:
> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE logged_user (username varchar);
> INSERT INTO logged_user VALUES ('username');
> - - prepare triggers that log every modification to every table you're
> interested in. The trigger procedure(s) should get the data from that
> temporary table and use it to store who's doing the modifications.
> If the table does not exists, fire an exception inside the trigger
> procedure. This will ensure that only logged users will success with
> modifications.
thanks for this nice workaround :-), I will use it if i can't integrate the apache module "mod_kct" in my setup.
(mod_kct, http://www.citi.umich.edu/projects/kerb_pki/)
Retrovirology Laboratory Luxembourg
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