> > If you see a pg_temp_* for every connection, that is a little
> > overwhelming. pg_toast and stuff aren't really too bad. Is there
> > any way to access your local temp schema in a way that doesn't
> > show the others? Could we use backend_pid in the query and show
> > them only their own?
> I have created the following patch for 7.5. It has \dn show only
> your local pg_temp_* schema, and only if you own it --- there might
> be an old temp schema around from an old backend.
> This patch requires a new function pg_stat_backend_id which returns
> your current slot id (not your pid) --- that would be separate
> addition.
If by slot, you mean connection ID, then this sounds like a good
compromise/patch to me. -sc
Sean Chittenden