Is there a way to only check if there's any pending async notifications ?
I've found only PQnotifies(..) but it also removes the first notification from
the list.
A function for only checking this can be used in a gui app to setup async
notifications processing so it happens only after an app reaches it's main
loop (which is a good idea since it won't happen in the middle of another
app's handler function which happens to use pgsql database interface).
Currently I have to check for notifications with PQnotifies every time my app
returns to the main loop after using any of PGexec, etc, which is not very
The check function is as simple as:
int PQhasNotifies(PGconn *conn)
{ if (!conn) return NULL;
/* Parse any available data to see if we can extract NOTIFY messages*/ parseInput(conn);
return NULL != DLGetHead(conn->notifyList);
Best regards,
Igor Shevchenko