Dear Miha,
Sorry for the late reply.
> Attached I'm sending the zip file containing .po and .mo files. The
> translation is showing progress :)
Published, thanks.
> I also have a question. When you connect to a server, and open [server] ->
> [database] -> Schemas -> public (or sth else) -> Tables in the treeview,
> you get some data about the tables in the upper righthand window. Next, you
> select the "Statistics" tag and there's some info about all the tables. OK.
> I've been looking in the latest .pot file and did not find any strings
> matching the titles of the columns in the "Statistics" tag. They're called
> "Table", "Tuples inserted", "Tuples updated" and "Tuples deleted". How come
> these strings aren't in the .pot file so they can be translated?
> You can take a look at what I mean here:
> (I'll have the image up for a few days). Will these strings also become
> available for translating?
You are right, I CCed pgadmin-hacker list for information. We need to update
the .pot file. Probably not before release 1.0.