> You mean you want to round off to even seconds? Try
> date_trunc,
> or cast to "timestamp(0) with time zone".
well, i just need to trunc whatever thats after the
timestamp i.e from 06/10/2003 12:50:19.188 PDT, i need
to remove .188 PDT
i'll see if date_trunc helps me or not. thanks for the
suggestions tom.
>To force stuff to be
> rounded when it's stored, declare the column like
> that in the
> first place.
yeah, i wish the 3rd party apps had 'timestamp without
timezone' as the default for all date columns but it
isn't :(
anyways, reason behind the whole truncating TZ is
that, we basically copy the data from postgres to
oracle on a nightly batch process for our data
warehousing requirements, but oracle upto 8.1.7.x
doesn't support timestamp with timezone datatype, so
we are kind of stuck with spooling required
tables/formating dates to oracle compatible formats
and then use sql*loader to upload the data into
not sure how well i can imporve this whole ETL
process. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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