Re: Using oids - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Martijn van Oosterhout
Subject Re: Using oids
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Using oids  (Bo Lorentsen <>)
Responses Re: Using oids
Re: Using oids
List pgsql-general
On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:20:42PM +0200, Bo Lorentsen wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 11:38, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> > Well, what I do is, declare a serate sequence, retrive next available value and
> > explicitly insert it into a integer field. That avoids having to retrieve the
> > latest value again.
> Yeps, this is what I call an application specific implimentation, as one
> can't do this at a more genral layer (that does not know about your
> table layout).

But your insert function needs to know something about the table it's
inserting into. The sequences have quite predicatable names. Besides, you
can set the name yourself (DCL does this IIRC).

> Like having a general function that insert a row and return the newly
> inserted row, containing the defaults set by PG. My code contain this
> function (, and I have no way to make this
> work if I'm not able to fetch the oid after an insert, in some way.

The only thing you need to know is the name of the primary key field. This
many be a problem in a generic layer. If you like you can make a UNIQUE
INDEX on the oid column and retry inserts when they fail.

In your code, do create an index on the OID column? If not, that's be a
performance hit,

> > However historically oids were assumed to be 32 bit. There could be places
> > which unintentionally assumed it as such. Cleaning all those places is pretty
> > difficult given the big code base postgresql has.
> One day I will try to look after myself, but what does PG do internaly,
> when referring to rows in a unique way (lets say in an index) ?

Something called CTID usually (AFAIK). It's a (block,tuple) pair. It changes
whenever you do an update. Or a vacuum.

> > For large table containing billions of rows, Oids add to tuple size and overall
> > IO. If you are not using Oids, they become overhead. Ability to turn them off
> > is certainly nice..
> Yeps, if they really are not nessesary.

If I were doing it would extract the primary key of each table on startup
and then change that one line of code to:

os << "SELECT * FROM " << sTable << " WHERE "
   << prikey << " = currval('" << sTable << "_" << prikey << "_seq')";

Say you have a LAST_ID function and you a table with more than one sequence,
which would it return?

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <>
> "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good
> men to do nothing." - Edmond Burke
> "The penalty good people pay for not being interested in politics is to be
> governed by people worse than themselves." - Plato


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From: "Amin Schoeib"
Subject: Output from PLPGSQL
From: Bo Lorentsen
Subject: Re: Using oids