After holding my breath for quite a while, it bursts out... I'd really like to
get a status update on said port.
The reason is, it's seemingly put on hold for me. After this port was talked
over on the list, there seemed to be an explosion of effort, with initial
success stories. I did read things like 'it compiles on MinGW' etc. pp. Now,
the issue seem pretty much dead - no more talk *at all* about it. Questioners
who wanted to get into development themselves where brushed off - 'we are
stuck there and there, but you can't help anyway' was the tenor.
Well, I am very interested in this port, and actually ran the betas from
PeerDirect (beta3 mostly), which performed quite well in small-scale test
So, I'd just like to ask the people involved to give a small summary on the
on-going(?) efforts, and possibly an open-points list, and even better, some
hints how to get involved myself(!).
Questions would be:
- does it compile?
- on which compiler?
- which branch in CVS to use?
- what are the most needed open points?
- is anyone actively working on those?
... you get the idea.
Anyway, please don't take this mail as an offense, I (and quite some others)
*really* just want to know, and perhaps help out!
Greetings, and thank you all for a great DB in the first place,Joerg
Leading SW developer - S.E.A GmbH
Mail: joerg.hessdoerfer@sea-gmbh.com
WWW: http://www.sea-gmbh.com