Re: Bulk Insert / Update / Delete - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Bruno Wolff III
Subject Re: Bulk Insert / Update / Delete
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Bulk Insert / Update / Delete  (Edmund Dengler <>)
Responses Re: Bulk Insert / Update / Delete
List pgsql-general
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 12:56:18 -0400,
  Edmund Dengler <> wrote:
> Wasn't there a feature in some SQL database which was the equivalent of
> UPDATE OR INSERT ... based on the primary key? Would this accomplish what
> you want (I know that I have a desire for this feature a couple of times,
> as I simply have code or triggers to essentially do the equivalent)? Is
> this a desirable feature for Postgresql?

I remember people asking for the equivalent of MYSQL's REPLACE command
in previous threads.

Another alternative is allowing the clients to determine what do do after an
error so that you could try an insert first and then do an update if it
failed without aborting your transaction.

pgsql-general by date:

From: Edmund Dengler
Subject: Re: Bulk Insert / Update / Delete
From: Dennis Gearon
Subject: Re: Bulk Insert / Update / Delete