> > Alright, thx... As Ned suggests, I'd drop the city before I'd use
> > Panama City and think a quick poll of people would back that
> > notion.
> It would be nice to drop the city. However, the Associated Press
> *requires* a city location, and if not given one they'll make one
> up. Which is likely to be WOLFVILLE, NOVA SCOTIA, confusing the
> heck out of everyone.
Interestingly enough Wolfville, Nova Scotia would carry less of a
mental stereotype and would IMHO be a better place.
> I'm afraid that Redwood Shores can't be considered seriously; we
> have neither equipment nor people there.
I've got a bank of machines in SF and Seattle as well as some
bandwidth to burn, maybe it's time I talk to Marc about becoming a DNS
mirror or becoming a full blown www mirror... OT: am I missing the
doco's on this someplace?
> Unfortunately, our core group is scattered to the 4 winds, otherwise
> we could use somebody's home city for the dateline.
> Although .... what would people think about using Bruce Momjian's or
> Tom Lane's hometowns? Bruce is in Pittsburgh (I think) and Tom is
> in North Carolina.
Sean Chittenden