Hi all -
I'm trying to work through using views in order to access multiple
tables while allowing normal operations on them.
To keep things simple, this is a stripped down version of what the
structure for one of the views is like:
create table base (id serial primary key,owner int ,attribute text );
create table specific_1 (id serial primary key,base_id int references base,otherattr text );
create or replace view my_view as (select base.id, base.owner, base.attribute, specific_1.other from base as b,
specific_1as s1 where (b.id = s1.base_id) );
create or replace rule my_view_insert_rule ason insert to my_view do instead ( insert into base (owner, attribute)
values (new.owner, new.attr); insert into specific_1 (base_id, otherattribute) values ( ( select
currval('base_id_seq')), new.otherattr ); );
create or replace rule my_view_delete_rule ason delete to my_view do instead ( delete from base where id = old.id;
delete from base specific_1 where base_id = old.id; );
(BTW, I know there's general concensus that the use of currval in that
insert rule is a bad idea, and I understand why; This application uses
libraries that will not cause grief there.)
Now I need to be able to update it. My initial thought was to create a
function to handle this tripped by an AFTER trigger. I've been reading
up on dynamic execution from functions, but can't see how to access the
SET clause or the WHERE clause. Is this possible?
Is there any other way to get this effect?
Thanks in advance,
Jamie Lawrence jal@jal.org
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