> Oh well, can't win them all :/
Nope. I'll suggest that for the TODO list ... we already have several
requests for added features for PL/pgSQL. The problem is that we currently
don't have a lead developer for PL/pgSQL, so the language has rather
> Well I suppose I could try TCL. The problem is that there is little to
> no documentation on postgres stored procedures in TCL and I've never
> even seen the language before. None the less, I'll look into it. It's
> almost worth it. If that fails, I may even try perl <shudders>.
And what's wrong with Perl? Other than the inability to write triggers with
it? (We want to enable triggers in PL/perl, but that functionality isn't
coming until at least 7.5).
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco