On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 15:59:55 -0400,
Vinay <vinay@mdp.net> wrote:
> I have a very simple question regarding creating columns in a table
> Can we create a column in a table in such a way that it will allow only certain length, nothing less or nothing more
> here is an example
> create table test(column1 char(2));
> will create table with column1 which will accept characters upto length two.
> I want the column to accept the column value which is absolutely length of two.
A char(2) will always have two characters (unless it is NULL). If you want
to check for two nonblank characters or two letters or something like
that use a check constraint.
Some like:
create table test (
col1 char(2) constraint bad_length check (col1 ~ '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]$'