On Sunday 22 Jun 2003 10:23 pm, Tomasz Myrta wrote:
> Hi
> I have another virtual problem, currently without any examples ;-)
> Let's say we have some pl/pgsql function which puts result into table1.
> This flat table must be normalized and put into table2. Sometimes 1 row
> from table1 = 1 row from table2, but sometimes 1 row from table1= 3 rows
> from table2. Data from table1 are transferrend into table2 using triggers.
> I found, I don't to have any data in table1.
> The question is: Is it possible to create virtual table in Postgresql?
> Virtual - means it won't contain any columns nor data, but trigger doing
> all the job.
Look into views - you'll need to provide triggers to handle the
-- Richard Huxton