On Tuesday 17 June 2003 02:00 am, cristi wrote:
> I want to insert a picture in a table from an internet browser using a
> script made in perl.
> Has somebody a code example with this kind a problem (I need only a code
> fragment)?
I put album covers into a database table, primarily because I wanted them
closely tied to database data without having any dependancy on a specific
filesystem structure. Anyway, performance isn't much to shout about, but
here's the relevant code snippet that I use to insert album images. It uses
LWP::UserAgent to download the jpeg, and then plug it into my database table:
my $insert_cover = $dbh->prepare(qq| UPDATE Album SET CoverLarge = ? , CoverMedium = ? ,
CoverSmall = ? WHERE ID = ?
|); my $small_url = "$image_url?S=$image_pid&X=60&Y=60"; my $medium_url = "$image_url?S=$image_pid&X=120&Y=120";
my$large_url = "$image_url?S=$image_pid&X=178&Y=178";
return unless ($image_pid); #print "\$id = \"$id\"\n"; #print "\$small_url = \"$small_url\"\n";
#print"\$medium_url = \"$medium_url\"\n"; #print "\$large_url = \"$large_url\"\n"; my $small_image =
$ua->get($small_url)->content; my $medium_image = $ua->get($medium_url)->content; my $large_image =
$ua->get($large_url)->content; $insert_cover->bind_param(1, $large_image, DBI::SQL_BINARY);
$insert_cover->bind_param(2,$medium_image, DBI::SQL_BINARY); $insert_cover->bind_param(3, $small_image,
DBI::SQL_BINARY); $insert_cover->bind_param(4, $id); $insert_cover->execute;
This comes from a throw-away script I whipped up to migrate from an older
system, so the code isn't all that clean (e.g. not commented, convoluted
variable names, etc) but it should get you started.
Michael A Nachbaur <mike@nachbaur.com>