> In FoxPro I used to put the data presented on a form into two arrays.
> One contained the "before modification" the other the "after
> modification" data. After hitting an <OK> button I could quickly check
> if the user made any modification just by comparing the values in the
> two array and update the values in the table accordingly by creating
> the appropriate SQL statement dynamically on the fly. It was much
> quicker than messing with any temp tables or cursors alike. When you
> write data entry form applications speed is everything. You do not
> want to slow down the very fast data entry folks who type without
> looking the keyboard and stop and see the form only if an audible
> feedback alerts them for something wrong.
Yes, absolutely. This is what I meant about how arrays can be very useful
for loading/unloading data from more complex schema. You just don't want
the array to be your permanent storage format.
Unless, as I said before, you're dealing with actual array data, such as math
and scientific databases.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco